Youth Connections

We are involved in training for youth in connection to Tasmanian Rotarians

There are many programs we offer in a variety of age categories from year 10 through to year 12.
We have regularly supported local businesses in training employees through Rotary Youth Leadership training for  18 to 30 years of age. More details on this program Here.


We enjoy our sailing opportunities, that allow insight into our sponsored youth experiences ,with STV Windeward Bound

Supporting and sponsoring our local youth is an important part of our Rotary action



Rotary Youth Driver Awareness(RYDA)

RYDA is a community road safety initiative delivering practical road safety information targeting attitude and awareness of young drivers and passengers. The program is facilitated in partnership with Rotary, presented by professionals and supported by corporate sponsors. The Program about road safety is directed towards our young people as as they approach the period in their life when they start driving a car and ride as a passenger in a car driven by one of their peers. In Tasmania it is presented to students in grade 10.

Training program drives safety message

RYDA is designed for senior high school students as they begin to drive or ride as passengers in cars driven by their peers. Find out more »

THE road is at times a lethal place to be.page1image2059932528
Do you know that your personality shapes the amount of risk you are willing to take?

More youth programs for students and schools to consider

Creating My Career

Model United Nations Assembly 

National Youth Science Forum

Rotary is the Founding Partner of the NYSF, and every year Rotarians continue to support the Year 12 Program through promoting the opportunity in local communities, managing applications and selections of students, and assisting with funding or fund-raising for student fees to attend the Year 12 Program. Rotarians also volunteer during the Year 12 Program in January. We estimate that Rotarians contribute more than 20,000 volunteer hours to the NYSF every year.

Rotary Adventure in Citizenship

Science and Engineering Challenge

The Science Experience

Tasmanian Youth Science Forum

Windeward Bound Youth Leadership Challenge 

Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN)

RYPEN sets out to broaden horizons and lift aspirations in a supervised residential weekend seminar.

It’s aim is to communicate to young people a series of ideas, problems and social experiences which will assist them in forming their own values and moral standards and broaden their horizons culturally, socially and academically.

Our Rotary Club of Kingston, Tasmania sponsors youth in attendance and assists with catering for the event at the Lea.



On 7-9 April, we attended the RYPEN camp weekend at the Lea Scout Centre near Kingston. We had a weekend of team building exercises and special guest speakers, with a focus on communication in a team.

Julie Preston, a career advisor from the University of Tasmania, spoke about resumes and job applications, showing us what a good resume needs and what employers are looking for: teamwork, customer service and good communication skills.

Brenda Tsiaousis, a business owner, taught us how are personal values help us make decisions. Brenda’s example was Nic Marchesi and Lucas Patchett, the founders of Orange Sky laundry, whose values of compassion and generosity helped them create a business that washes clothing of the homeless.

Greg Irons, owner of Bonorong Wildlife Park, told us there are three things we should do for a successful future: work harder at school, volunteer at a place you are passionate about, and to think about your dream job and make it a goal.

We had Paralympians, Melissa Carlton and Alastair Chong. Melissa told us to set no limits, and said that no one can tell you what you are capable of but yourself. Alastair gave us four pieces of advice: luck is not what you get, it’s what you make it. Stick it out, if you believe, you will do it. Mental capacity gets you there and, finally, find someone that is better than you and learn from them.

Stephen Dimsey from ‘Life Be in it’ spoke to us about roles in a team. In a series of activities with him we had to think, listen to others and try our hardest with our team that we were in. Although meant to be fun, most were very challenging. You had to think actively to achieve the wanted result.

We also did a ropes course during RYPEN. You had to use the monkey grip hold with your team while climbing around trees and holding on to a series of ropes to steady yourself. If a member of your team fell off one or two people made their way along to the start to help you reach back to the team.

A big thank you to the Rotary Club of Glenorchy for sponsoring us to attend the RYPEN weekend. We both had a great weekend and learnt so much about teamwork and its importance.

Maggie Baker & Aynee Williams - Year 9 students

About The Lea

The Lea property was part of an original land grant made to William Proctor, the Comptroller of Customs, in 1833. After being divided and passed through several families, the property was purchased by Scouting in 1949 after many years of use as a campsite. The traditional camping areas along Vincent's Rivulet were acquired in the building of the Southern Outlet in the late 1960s and a road was constructed to the Top of the Lea.
The site now comprises 137.3 hectares of bushland and is a designated Conservation Area under the National Parks & Wildlife Act 1970.
The Lea is administered by The Lea Board of Management, and employs a full time caretaker to care for the site, with help from the Lea Service Crew.

Youth Exchange Program (YEP)

The Youth Exchange Program is an International exchange for young people between the ages of 15 and 18. The exchange is for a 12 month period during which time the student is hosted by 3 or 4 families therefore experiencing different lifestyles. Up to 15 students are exchanged each year. Our Rotary Exchange students and Host families often connect over many experiences after the exchange is complete.

Apply today

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

Since it became an official Rotary program in 1971, RYLA has assisted thousands of young people to develop leadership skills at camps, seminars, and workshops.

RYLA is a fun, challenging, and intensive training programme for young people, 18-30. Participants develop strong personal and leadership qualities.


RYLA aims to:

  • Demonstrate Rotary's respect and concern for youth;
  • Provide an effective training experience for selected youth and potential leaders;
  • Encourage leadership of youth by youth;
  • Recognise publicly young people who are rendering service to their communities.

Every RYLA program covers the following core topics: 

  • Fundamentals of leadership
  • Ethics of positive leadership
  • Importance of communication skills in effective leadership
  • Problem-solving and conflict management
  • Rotary's purpose and service to the community
  • Building self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Elements of community and global citizenship


History of RYLA

In 1959, the State Government of Queensland invited local Rotary Clubs to help plan an event to help celebrate the upcoming centennial of the state. Princess Alexandra, who was in her early 20s was due to attend the celebrations, so activities were planned specifically for the princess's age group.

The gundoo, an aboriginal word meaning "festival" or "fun together," was deemed successful with more than 300 men and women between the ages of 17 and 23 attending. Encouraged by the event's popularity with the young attendees, Rotary saw potential to create an annual youth program based on Gundoo. The governor of the then District 260, Art Brand, approved the project and on 2 May 1960, RYLA was an official Rotary project.

Australian districts 258 and 260 established a committee together that developed the official framework of RYLA:

These guidelines helped RYLA expand to all Rotary districts in Australia and led to its approval as a Rotary International program by the RI Board at the 1971 Convention in Sydney, Australia.